What's New
The contests section has been updated again. Most of my computer time is being devoted to Free Spot, some you may want to check that out. Summer is grand!
New Pages! - Check out the new pages below.
Fonts Page - 22 excellent fonts to download.
Cursors Page - get some really nice animated cursors.
Web Graphic Design - get graphics custom made for you.
Contests Page - enter FREE contests to win outrageous prizes.
Web Reviews Welcome - Hey all you surfers out there, wouldn't you like to write a few articles and get your opinions expressed to virtually the whole world? I might just be able to help. I am looking for people to help me write reviews for various free offers, games, software, and web services I'm going to add to my brand new Free Spot web site. You will get full credit for writing the articles and receive any feedback visitors send. I won't be able to pay you, but I thought it might be fun for someone. No web site building experience is needed because I can do all the editing for you. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please email me here.
Just in case you cared, I'm 17 years old and I live near Pittsburgh, PA. If you you like to know a little about me, check out my About Me Page. Yes, the picture is very old. I will scan a new one soon.
I hope you enjoy my site!
Free Stuff of the Month
Free File Sharing Community | You probably already know about and use Napster, the big rage in MP3 sharing. Lately Napster has been involved legal battles with the music industry who is treatening to shut the Napster network down. Gnutella is a sharing community much like Napster, except you can trade any type of file, not just MP3s. And unlike Napster, there is no central server, so the government cannot shut it down. It is quite cool. Check it out.