Free Wallpaper and Backgrounds


Go check out the new Collections section of Free Spot (my upcoming website. You'll find loads of great wallpapers, themes, and more.

Desktop Themes

Spring Garden Theme (click to preview)
A very pretty spring theme with a stream and flowers.
3D Spheres '99 Theme (click to preview)
A dazzling 3D theme. It comes with three wonderful background images all in resolutions of 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768.

Desktop Themes Links

Original Look Themes & Backgrounds
This place has really nice desktop themes. (combinations of sounds, wallpaper, and screen savers) I recommend the new Christmas ones. They are a must see.
This site is part of the tucows network of sites. It has some nice themes also.
Theme Doctor
This guy makes awesome themes. I am using one of them now.
They've got all kinds of different themes.
Theme Central Station
This place has no themes of it's own, but is a really great reference for places to get them. It lists just about every theme site I've ever seen.

Wallpaper for your Desktop

Absolute Cross Seamless Textures
Great high-quality backgrounds
Cool Tropical Wallpaper
Turn your computer into a golf paradise...did I mention that it's FREE?Golf Wallpaper
Andy's Art Attack
Whoa. This guy's site is AMAZING! He has some really nice wallpaper and a lot of good website help. This is his full time job, so he also does a lot of graphics creation. That part isn't free.
Imagine Wallpaper Archive
If you have a certain color or style of wallpaper in mind, then this is the place to go. I've found loads of good wallpaper here.
College Wallpaper
This site has a small collection of really cool college wallpaper. There are a collogue of photos on each one.
World Prints Free Wallpaper
- Get one free year of wallpaper for your computer. They will email you weekly with new prints from things like National Geographic, Life, museums, and other nice backgrounds.
He's got some fairly wild, but nice backgrounds.
Siliquarium's Wallpaper
There's a lot of nice bright wallpaper here.
Absolute Background Textures
They've got 2400+ tiling backgrounds just waiting for you.
Get a b~y~t~e Graphics
Another loaded place

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